[photo of Snake Way, a path I followed for nearly 7 months (March 2020 to October 2020), in University City, MO... when heading to Schnuck's, and also for the sake of enhanced cardiovascular efficiency]

3:29 PM (6/19/22):
"There are over 6,500 languages spoken on Earth... across 195 countries (on 7 continents), among the human species (Homo Sapiens)... Universal language mediums, seem to be that of mathematics, music and body language..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:21 PM (6/19/22):
(some croutons from 3:19 PM, today)

2:43 PM (6/19/22):
"One wonders about the many variables, which account for the 'intergalactic silence' that Earthlings have been experiencing... in relation, to potential inhabitants of other planets... in our Milky Way galaxy ('advanced extraterrestrial civilizations')... Of all the species of organisms on Earth, humans are the only ones that have made attempts to communicate with organisms... from other worlds... and I find that particularly intriguing..." - Michael Izuchukwu

47. "There is much more work for me to do, before I understand the contents of the following video (from July 2002)... My 'Theory of Dimensional Limitation,' in tandem with my exposure to certain mathematics and physics courses (from my time at Rice University, in the years 2008-2010)... I see as a segue, for such... ...given the 'apparent complexity'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
[a preview of the kilobyte count, of my 'Theory of Dimensional Limitation (D.L. Theory)'] 

9:07 PM (2/28/22): "I looked through this following page, and said, 'shit'... regarding the degree, of abstractness..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:31 PM (2/28/22): "In the present, one often does not contemplate about the past... given how readily the future, approaches... I think of the latter, as a distraction from the former... but if one can relate well to oneself at prior points in spacetime, perhaps such helps one retain the essence of who one is... as time progresses..." - Michael Izuchukwu
X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST Clip - "Beast vs. Magneto" (2014) - YouTube

7:29 PM (2/28/22):
"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think..." - Christopher Robbin
My favorite Pooh moment - YouTube

7:14 PM (2/28/22):
"I noticed an interesting parallel, between the Russian U.N. ambassador, Vassily Nebenzia... and the caterpillar... from the 1951 film, 'Alice in Wonderland'... regarding their 'dispositions'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Alice Meets The caterpillar - Alice In Wonderland (1951) - YouTube

5:51 PM (2/28/22): "An interesting article, regarding the 'status quo'... in Russia..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Photos: Putin keeps his distance during meetings (

5:48 PM (2/28/22): "Interesting video, of the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students... ...held in Sochi, Russia, in October 2017... Every 5 years or so, I like to compare the atmospheric vibes of contrasting 'social arenas,' in terms of drawing inferences about human behavior... and psychology..." - Michael Izuchukwu

4:28 PM (2/28/22): "In life, there are many forms of guidance... along the path, to self-actualization... to fulfillment... At some stage, one develops a degree of self-sufficiency... which must become increasingly fine-tuned, with the passage of time..." - Michael Izuchukwu
The Dark Knight Rises: I told you I was immortal. - YouTube

3:00 PM (2/28/22): "After my parents divorced in 2011, I never saw my dad again until March 2020 (when I returned to Chesterfield, Missouri... ...of my 3 brothers, I was the only one in my immediate family, to see him 'in person'... before he died, on 10/8/20)... We had reconnected via 'cellular conversation,' as of April 2018... and spoken for 8 months, before communications were severed (in December 2018, after an irrational argument/disagreement... of his own doing)... Essentially, from May 2011 to March 2020 (106 months)... we had not seen each other face-to-face, and he never inquired about the happenings in my life... when we cohabited at my former apartment complex, for 7 months (March 2020 to October 2020)... He never sought to see any photos of my travels up to then, or to ask about my time at Seton Hall or Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS)... He was fixated on me 're-enrolling' in a graduate school of his choice (Saint Louis University, for instance), even though I had no genuine desire to do so (while he was ignorant of my references to my experiences, in the context of the aforementioned... scholastic institutions)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:21 PM (2/28/22): "Interestingly, my dad and my middle brother, JJ... both share the same full name of 'John Ifeanyichukwu Izuchukwu'... I have not seen JJ since December 2018 ('essentially'), even though he has been cohabiting with my mom that entire time (for 38 months)... I often question why my mom married my dad (given who he was as 'a person')... and the 'actual' cause for why she does not give JJ incentive to 'communicate' with me (given that over time, people change)... I don't really know where he stands anymore, in the context of his footing (regarding his personality, 'actual appearance', ambitions/goals, social life and recreational activities)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:10 PM (2/28/22): "When I see this race in athletics, such has the ambience... of people 'swimming,' in the sense of runners following a certain 'current'... due to the gravitation created, when a number of runners... run in close proximity..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Mo Farah last lap of the 5 000m, Olympic Stadium London 2012 - YouTube

2:03 PM (2/28/22): "There are many sports, which are ideal... for those who seek to defy the 'natural order' of spacetime... Aside from track and field (athletics), there is swimming is another sports that consists of events... making good use of the entirety of human's musculoskeletal system..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Michael Phelps Last Olympic Race - Swimming Men's 4x100m Medley Relay Final | Rio 2016 Replay - YouTube

1:53 PM (2/28/22): "The world record in the mile, is 3:43:13... held by Hicham El Guerrouj... Such still stands to this date, and attests to his possession of exceptional 'coordination' and cardiovascular fitness... at the time... These attributes, likely are necessary... for defying the effects of spacetime, via 'asymptotic aging'... given that within the 3 spatial dimensions of length, width and height/depth (refined by the fourth dimension, of time)... we humans are subject to gravity... along with the other 3 four natural forces, which are the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force... and the electromagnetic force..." - Michael Izuchukwu
1999 World Record Mile Trance - YouTube

1:48 PM (2/28/22): 
"The music in the prior video, reminds me of that in this videogame soundtrack... Super Mario 64 was the first Nintendo 64 game, I ever received..." - Michael Izuchukwu

1:46 PM (2/28/22): "Personally, I believe that spiritual, mental and physical fortification... are 3 components that must work in tandem... should one seek to progress through spacetime, in a way that counteracts the concept of 'diminishing returns'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Stretching Yoga & Gymnastics in home - Part 2 - YouTube

11:18 AM (2/28/22): "Interesting article, regarding notable females... of the United States..." - Michael Izuchukwu
The most powerful woman from every state (

10:26 AM (2/28/22): "There have been multiple sightings of 'unidentified aerial phenomena (formerly referenced as 'unidentified flying objects')'... for dozens of decades... Arguably, all the 'vehicular' sightings are of a 'comparable' size... but from a statistical standpoint (assuming there is legitimacy to at least a few of them), such promotes the possibility... that at some point a 'U.F.O.' would be so vast, that its discernibility... would be indisputable..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Reaction to US intelligence UFO report - YouTube
Navy pilots describe encounters with UFOs - YouTube (0:00-0:41)

10:20 AM (2/28/22): 
"Interesting article... at present, there is 'some' ambiguity as to whether or not we humans 'are alone' in the cosmos... The confirmation that we are not, would have monumental implications..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:31 AM (2/28/22):
"Some 4,000 years ago or so... Egypt was under the rulership of Pharaoh Ramses... Moses was Ramses' adoptive brother, yet Ramses' mother proclaimed Moses... as one of her own... I suspect in the animated film 'the Prince of Egypt,' that Moses' phenotype had a 'Middle Eastern inclination (he was a Hebrew)'... more than that of Ramses... but given they both lived in Egypt, they technically were both 'Egyptians'... Certain countries are ethnically diverse, given that a country name... does not always encapsulate, the demographic makeup... of its constituents..." - Michael Izuchukwu
(an artistic, animated rendering... of Moses' mother, Jochebed)

The Prince of Egypt (1998) - Deliver Us Scene (1/10) | Movieclips - YouTube 

                            (an artistic, animated rendering... of Moses)
The Prince of Egypt (1998) - Rameses vs. Moses - YouTube

7:09 AM (2/28/22): "Interesting video..." - Michael Izuchukwu
New York man wins $10M lottery for the second time in 3 years (

6:32 AM (2/28/22): "An interesting article by astrophysicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson, written in April 2007..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Cosmic Perspective | Natural History Magazine

6:28 AM (2/28/22): "I am assuming that in this video, the context for that of the physician... is regarding 'residency'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:28 AM (2/28/22):
"I am reminded of this scene, from 'Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith'... There is a difference between objectivity and subjectivity, regarding matters of the spirit (ethics and virtue)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Palpatine & Anakin Opera scene | Full Scene HD - YouTube

5:21 AM (2/28/22): "Woke up, not too long ago... and began to question, the implications of existence... Life is an aspect of such, but perhaps there was a pre-life (a prior state of existence, which preceded 'life')... just as there likely is an afterlife... Assuredly, it's the 'will to endure'... which impacts how one progresses, through spacetime... in the context of the spirit, mind and body..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Scientists Finally Did a Study to See If Taking 10,000 Steps a Day Actually Matters. Here's What They Found (

6:22 PM (2/27/22): 
"Relatively mellow song, that I recently became fond of..." - Michael Izuchukwu

6:10 PM (2/27/22): 
"The 'observable universe' is a very vast place, about 93 billion lightyears... diametrically (across)... Given that our Milky Way galaxy is 100,000 lightyears across, that puts into perspective the scope of our world's cosmological positioning... in relation to that of others, which are potentially habitable (or inhabited)... In the context of the aforementioned, belief in a higher power [God, for instance (Jesus Christ)], could be seen as indispensable aspect... of long-term survival... in the far reaches, of the cosmos... Jesus' teachings, heavily influenced the foundations by which many modern technologies... were inspired..." - Michael Izuchukwu
The uncertainty of God (Carl Sagan in cosmos series) - YouTube

6:02 PM (2/27/22): "Footage from a rover, on Mars... Given that Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune (4 gas giants) are beyond such... in terms of planetary exploration, finding those that are rocky/solid... will likely require leaving our solar system (if Mercury and Venus, are excluded)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:58 PM (2/27/22): 
"Interesting animation, of arguably what is a dystopic society... heavily reliant on technological conveniences, and perhaps... overly secular..." - Michael Izuchukwu
LORN - ANVIL [Official Music Video] - YouTube

5:55 PM (2/27/22): "I used to watch season 1 of the TV series 'Westworld,' when such aired... Much of the content seemed intriguing, and sophisticated..." - Michael Izuchukwu
[Westworld] Ford "Goodbye my friend" - YouTube

5:46 PM (2/27/22): 
"Interesting scene, from the 2008 film 'Hancock'... Such pertains to matters of fate/destiny... and freewill..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Hancock - Love and fate - YouTube


2:58 PM (2/27/22): "Perhaps the feat of the moon landing, was merely a means of gauging the 'intrinsic value'... affiliated with cosmological exploration... There are 8 planets in our solar system (formerly '9'), and in the scope of human history... this accomplishment was like taking the first step, into an 'unknown ocean'... ... I surmise that 'getting to heaven' is surely rooted more deeply, in the implications of reaching a parallel universe (via 'dimensional transcendence'), more than reaching another galaxy... ... where heaven, may lie..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:03 PM (2/27/22): "Imagine the difficulty of reaching another galaxy... and then consider that the difficulty of reaching heaven, surely is greater... via means, that are not 'spiritually ordained (mental and physical, that is)'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

1:45 PM (2/27/22): "An elaborative video, regarding the prior post..." - Michael Izuchukwu

1:38 PM (2/27/22): "Interesting link... After the United States landed their spacecraft on the moon, on 7/20/69... 6.5 hours later, Neil Armstrong step foot... on such... I wonder why Russia (the former 'Soviet Union') has never sent anyone to walk on that celestial world, in the aftermath of that feat..." - Michael Izuchukwu

11:39 AM (2/27/22): "Just had lunch ('2' salami sandwiches), and was thinking to myself... the world is so vast, and yet... most people just see 1-5% of such, from a geographical standpoint..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:21 AM (2/27/22): "When I was in Virginia Beach, VA (in the summer of 2019)... at one point, I went to the 'oceanfront (beach area)' and sprinted down a 'long stretch' of such (in shorts, with a backpack on)... I had considered this training, for what was then the upcoming Olympic Games... ...featured here, is an Indian triple jumper... whose name I know not of..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:18 AM (2/27/22): "I just began thinking about the nature of time (in the context of spacetime), in relation to money... Time's passage is irreversible... we are in its flow, and it has been said that 'time is money'... Such is not a 'literal equivalency,' given that money is not time... but how one spends such towards the beginning part of a spectrum... can impact how such is experienced, as one progresses into the future..." - Michael Izuchukwu

4:59 AM (2/27/22): "I showered some minutes ago (after awaking from my slumber)... and realized that the degree of computation required, to get to the Andromeda galaxy... is exceedingly greater, than that which was required... to construct the first automobile..." - Michael Izuchukwu
(a photo of the Andromeda galaxy, located about 2.53 million lightyears... away)

see: MAKING A LIVING (7/20/21) ( &

This is why Asians are smarter than you! - YouTube &

Family guy never fails to suprise you😂#shorts#familyguy#petergriffin#stewiegriffin#loisgriffin#fox - YouTube

5:57 PM (2/26/22): "Whether or not one realizes such, there is a heaven and a hell... two opposing, sectors of the spirit realm... On December 15, 2011, I concluded that my mom was possessed by the devil (Lucifer/Satan), in the wee hours of the morning... From 3 AM to 7 AM, I remained 'perfectly' still... in the darkness of my room, detecting she was within such... I did this, because I recollect the 'faint splashing' of water (physical or 'metaphysical')... on my feet, around 3 AM... which was unusual... When I awoke, I noticed my mom was walking 'up and down' the steps, for at least 2.5 roundtrips... She then entered my room, and was 'hovering over me' from a few steps away... staring ('tremendous darkness radiated, from her eyes')... but there was an 'immense eeriness' about such, even though light was peering into the room... Given I am a spiritual person, I lunged upwards and extended my arms in the shape of a 'crucifixion victim'... and exclaimed, 'in the name of Jesus Christ, I will destroy you'... She stood still, and I recall her biting my hand... That was when I ran down the stairs, and out the front door... There was a small dude (Latino, perhaps) working on the exterior, and the sky was 'orange'... around 7 AM... I had thought the 'Rapture' had occurred, until I noticed he was smiling and just asked 'how I was'... Nevertheless, the cops (emergency response personnel) shortly came to the scene... and I was hospitalized for 10 days (till Christmas 2011), at the Newark Beth Israel Medical Center... I told the staff my story, and to this day (in the context of my relations with my mom, and her 'emotional apathy' and moral depravity)... I do not dispute the nature, of that ordeal..." - Michael Izuchukwu

6:18 PM (2/26/22): "For your information, this testimony is from a 2015 Seton Hall graduate (Magna cum laude honors, 3.65 GPA in behavioral science), a 'current resident' having gone through my Eastern Virginia Medical studies (in a remote capacity) and been issued a 'Residency Offer notice' in the mail ( as of October 11, 2020), a formerly aspiring Olympian, and one who has had a 'track record' of success... from his high school days (National Merit Finalist, National Achievement Finalist, triple jump school record holder for track and field, and 2002-2003 7th Grade Spelling Bee Champion)...
NOTE: I also had to sue my mom in court, on March 6, 2019 (3/6/19), because I was being financially extorted by her (via my middle brother, JJ)... and as the plaintiff, I had won such... but only being due a fraction of the amount, which had been extracted..." - Michael Izuchukwu
6:46 PM (2/26/22):

5:45 PM (2/26/22): "I just got off the phone with my mom, a few moments ago... I asked her what's happening... She said she was just lying down all day, resting... and that my middle brother, JJ, was eating...while watching TV... I expressed my distaste for how she has yet to invite me over to her place, since November 2020 (when I returned to New Jersey, from University City, MO)... She just reiterated 'irrational stipulations' for why she won't... I hung up the phone, after I said she was an embarrassment... for allowing him to constantly cook up chicken, potatoes and shit..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:55 PM (2/26/22): "I had 2 burger patties for 'supper' today (the second one unintended)... However, after consuming the latter one... I concluded my 'capacity' is just '1' of them, for the sake of countering the effects... of lethargy... I did not feel they were worthy of photography..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:17 PM (2/26/22): "For God so loved the world, that he gave His one and only begotten son… that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish… but have eternal life..." - John 3:16 
For God So Loved the World - YouTube

2:06 PM (2/26/22): “When Jesus had led them out to the vicinity of Bethany, He lifted up his hands and blessed them. While He was blessing them, He left them and was taken up into heaven. Then they worshiped Him and returned to Jerusalem… with great joy….” – Luke 24:50
2:08 PM (2/26/22): "Jesus Christ is the only human in recorded history, to ascend to heaven..." - Michael Izuchukwu

1:53 PM (2/26/22): "There are people who are spiritually mindful, while mentally sharp... while others may be of the former... and not the latter... Being physically fit, influences one's spirit and mind... in accordance with the degree, to which one is... In the context of the spirit, mind and body (stated from increasing to decreasing significance), they work in tandem... as aspects of getting to heaven..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:46 PM (2/26/22): "An appealing fashion show, from 3-4 years ago... Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and such is comprised of many variables..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Luli Fama WAPISIMA Resort 2019 / Paraíso Fashion Fair 2018 - YouTube (2:09 - end)


12:08 PM (2/26/22): "On Earth, there is one extraterrestrial race (in relation to others that potentially populate, exoplanets in our galaxy... or other ones), and that is of Homo Sapiens (humans)... Across the '195' countries that are on our world, at least 6,500 different languages are spoken... and there are multitudes of cultures, in at least 10,000 cities... Given these variables, one can see how human compatibility in social relations... is attributable to commonly recognized, facial cues..." - Michael Izuchukwu



11:59 AM (2/26/22): "Intriguing TED talk from 2011, by Thalia Wheatley... at one point (1:28-1:59) she indicates how the human face is like a facade, of the mind... Faces are instrumental for the formulations of human behavior and relations; without them, humans' sense of identity... would be diminished..." - Michael Izuchukwu

TEDxDartmouth 2011- Thalia Wheatley: How the Brain Perceives Other Minds - March 6, 2011 - YouTube


11:08 AM (2/26/22): Interesting video, regarding the prospect of extraterrestrial existence... in our galactic neighborhood..." - Michael Izuchukwu



 9:59 AM (2/26/22): "Featured here is an interesting link, regarding the recent nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson... to the Supreme Court..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Black lawmakers celebrate Ketanji Brown Jackson nomination, Biden’s Supreme Court pick - The Washington Post


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